Land north of Crediton Road, Crediton Road, Okehampton, Devon
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
- Designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest
- Undesignated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest
Type of application & broad category
Major, residential
Local planning authority
Authority: West Devon Borough Council
References: 01089/2013
Development proposal
Outline application for residential development (up to 375 dwellings), primary school, retail unit and associated works.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
The development site lies adjacent to Okehampton Roman fort that is a scheduled monument (NHLE no. 1015829), and a putative Roman road crosses the site. Aerial photographic evidence suggested the presence of other enclosures within the application area.
Archaeological/planning processes
A desk-based assessment identified a number of undesignated heritage assets on the application site: a possible prehistoric enclosure, two Roman roads and a possible church site.
Geophysical survey and field evaluation were required and undertaken at pre-application stage. A second phase of evaluation was undertaken as part of a staged programme of post determination work – using a pre- commencement planning condition - to refine the scope of mitigation (area excavation) required and to be undertaken in advance of construction.
Outcomes: archaeological
On the basis of the results of the evaluation the preservation in situ of the Roman road was recommended, together with the excavation of other archaeological features. The masterplan for the development has been altered to preserve the alignment of the Roman road as part of the development’s green infrastructure.
Archaeological excavation is advance of development has now identified the remains of extra mural settlement along the Roman roads. The remains of at least 25 timber buildings line both sides of a well-preserved Roman road, leading eastward from the Roman fort. The settlement seems to have been abandoned around the same time as occupation ended at the fort, c. AD 75.
Other outcomes/outputs e.g. other public benefit such as public engagement, research and new/changed work practices
There has been a public open day, and public interpretation of the results of the archaeological investigations.
References and links/bibliography
- AC Archaeology 2013, Land off Crediton Road, Okehampton, West Devon, Historic Environment Assessment. Unpublished report ACD630/1/1.
- Substrata 2014, An archaeological gradiometer survey, Land to the north of Crediton Road, Okehampton, Devon. Unpublished report 140129.
- AC archaeology 2014, Land off Crediton Road, Okehampton, West Devon: Results of an Archaeological Trench Evaluation and Auger Survey. Unpublished report ACD630/2/1.