Rydon Farm, Two Mile Oak, Devon
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
Undesignated heritage assets with archaeological interest.
Type of application & broad category
Solar farm
Local planning authority
Authority: Teignbridge District Council
References: 13/02129/MAJ
Development proposal
Installation of ground mounted solar array (total site area of 68000 m2), and associated infrastructure.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
There was no HER information for the development site itself. Prehistoric activity had been recorded in the surrounding landscape and adjacent field, with findspots and enclosures identified through aerial photography.
Archaeological/planning processes
A desk-based assessment identified that there was ‘little potential for any archaeological remains to lie undetected within the site.’
Pre-application geophysical survey and evaluation were subsequently undertaken revealing a sub-circular Bronze Age ditched enclosure containing evidence of a possible building and other features.
The Historic Environment Team advising the LPA requested that this area was excluded from development.
Outcomes: archaeological
The area of the Bronze Age enclosure was excluded from development.
References and links/bibliography
- Cotswold Archaeology 2013, Rydon Farm, Ogwell, Devon, Heritage Desk- Based Assessment. Unpublished report CA 13423.
- Stratascan 2014, Rydon Farm, Devon, Geophysical survey report. Unpublished report, J5760.
- Cotswold Archaeology 2014, Rydon Farm, Ogwell, Devon, Archaeological Evaluation. Unpublished report CA 13711.