Planning Case Study 9

Land south and east of Lubstree Park, Humber Lane, Preston Upon The Weald Moors, Telford, Shropshire

Dates: 2015-current

Planning scenario(s)

1 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation identified significant new heritage assets
7 - Pre-commencement archaeological conditions were attached to a planning permission

Heritage assets affected

Undesignated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest.

Type of application & broad category

Major, Residential

Local planning authority

Authority: Telford and Wrekin Council

References: TWC/2015/1112

Development proposal

Outline application for housing development of up to 500 dwellings, over 5ha in extent.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

Prehistoric and Roman finds, reported through the Portable Antiquities Scheme, and a medieval deer park in the vicinity, suggested that the development site might have archaeological potential. However, there was no known archaeological interest on the site itself that was recorded in the HER.

Archaeological/planning processes

Shropshire Council (advising the LPA) has a policy of requesting a desk-based assessment and a field evaluation on all proposed development sites over 5ha in area. Below that the threshold for assessment and evaluation requirements will depend on an assessment of the archaeological potential of the proposed development site based on the HER and associated, readily accessible, sources (e.g. Tithe and historic Ordnance Survey maps, aerial photographic information, LiDAR data). Pre-determination evaluation of this proposed large housing development site was therefore requested, based on size of the development area, and known sites in the vicinity.

An initial desk-based assessment considered that the site had low archaeological potential. Geophysical survey and trial trench evaluation located a previously unknown Roman farmstead enclosure that is of a type typical for this region but few examples of which have been investigated.

The adviser to the LPA has recommended that the Roman farmstead should be preserved in open space within the development. Should this not prove possible a full programme of archaeological recording will be secured through the use of a pre-commencement planning condition.

Outcomes: archaeological

The planning application has not yet been determined.

References and links/bibliography

  • CgMs 2015, Archaeological desk-based assessment: land off Humber Lane, Telford, Shropshire. Unpublished report.
  • Archaeological Services Durham University 2016, Land off Humber Lane, Telford, Shropshire: geophysical survey. Unpublished report.
  • Wessex Archaeology 2016, Land off Humber Lane, Telford, Shropshire: archaeological evaluation. Unpublished report.