Evaluating impact of solar farm developments on the historic environment: review of practice & guidance

Historic England
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This project will undertake a review of current practice in relation to the evaluation of impact of solar farm developments on the historic environment, with a particular focus on archaeological remains. It will collate views from those who advise on, commission and undertake field evaluation in advance of solar farm development to identify the issues that are specific to this type of development, identify current good practice and make recommendations for follow-up work including, if found necessary, the development of sector guidance to support a consistent and proportionate approach. The project follows on from HE7754 (EVALS1), which assessed current practice in relation to trial trenching on residential, infrastructure and minerals developments.

It is intended that further work will follow on from this initial, data gathering phase with the aim of bringing together relevant bodies and individuals from the solar industry and from the historic environment sector to agree good practice approaches and co-create guidance to support their implementation.