CIfA Conference 2021

CIfA2021 was hosted exclusively online from Wednesday, 21 April - Friday, 23 April 2021.

CIfA2021 incorporated keynote addresses, wide-ranging sessions and training workshops in a virtual forum and discussed current professional issues, showcase new developments, and present research in archaeology and the wider heritage sector. Our conference is the premier professional archaeological conference in the UK, and CIfA2021 attracted almost 500 participants over three days.


At CIfA2021 we looked to the future and asking what more can we do to promote the profession and our professionalism. Over the last decade we have defined new entry routes into archaeology and set out the career structures and competence requirements for professional archaeologists, but how can we maximise these to attract new, and diverse, talent and promote the value and quality of the work we do? Where can we further develop and reinforce the standards and good practice championed by the Institute to ensure we consistently understand and meet our professional obligation to deliver public benefit? And how, as a profession, can we better equip ourselves with the ethical and professional knowledge, skills and behaviours required in a changing, and challenging, environment? None of these are new concepts, but ones that we must all engage with.

Session library

The following sessions are available to watch on Youtube. All sessions contain chapters, allowing you to select or skip to a particular presentation - please either open the Youtube description field to view the chapters, or click on the presentation name next to the running time at the bottom of the video.

  • Address - CIfA2021 opening address (Watch session)
    Presented by: Stephen Carter, Peter Hinton and Kate Geary (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists) and Rhonda Robinson (Historic Environment Division, Department for Communities)
  • Address - CIfA2021 closing conversation (Watch session)
    Panellists: Rhonda Robinson, Stephanie Said, Laura Hampden, Danika Parikh, Chris Gerrard, Neil Redfern, James Kyle, Han Li, Ben Saunders, and Sophie Hueglin
    Chair: Stephen Carter (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists)
  • The art of communicating archaeology (Watch session)
    Organisers: Helen Wass and Michael Court (High Speed 2 Limited)
  • Adapting training and skills development for a COVID and post-COVID world (Watch session)
    Organiser: Cara Jones (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists)
  • An introduction to the online conference (Watch session)
    Presented by: Kerry Wiggins, Megan Keates, Edward Ardill and Amanda Lauder (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists) and Ben Saunders (CIfA Diggers Forum)
  • An archaeologist, a town planner and an engineer walk onto a site... multidisciplinary environments and the archaeological profession (Watch session)
    Organisers: Victoria Park, Abi Tompkins, Ashley Bryant (Wood PLC), Daniel Evans, Jenny Wylie (Arcadis) and Rob Batchelor (University of Reading)
  • A very cunning plan: improving archaeology within the planning system (Watch session)
    Organisers: Kae Neustadt and Alan Ford (Atkins)
  • Celebrating academic and early career research (Watch session)
    Organisers: Alex Llewellyn and Jen Parker Wooding (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists)
  • Create, share + engage. The archaeologists guide to digital content and social media (Watch session)
    Organiser: Amanda Lauder (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists)
    Presented by: Christopher Wakefield (University of York), Natasha Billson (Commercial Field Archaeologist and Behind the Trowel), Rachel McMullan (RSK Group), Teagan Zoldoske (University of York), Dr Claire Corkill (Council for British Archaeology) and Tristan Boyle (The Archaeology Podcast Network)
  • Decolonising archaeology, heritage and museums (Watch session)
    Organisers: Laura Hampden (European Society of Black & Allied Archaeologists), Hannah Cobb (University of Manchester), and Amal Khreisheh (South West Heritage Trust)
    Presented by: CIfA Equality and Diversity Group
  • The environment and innovation: zero emissions and the paperless dream (Watch session)
    Organiser: Andy Boucher (Headland Archaeology/CIfA Climate Change Working Group)
    Sponsored by: Headland Archaeology
  • Ethics workshop (presentations only) (Watch session)
    Organisers: Kenneth Aitchison (Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers / Chair of the Register of Professional Archaeologists’ Committee on Ethics) and Paul Belford (Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust)
    Sponsored by: Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA)
  • Guide to publishing your work and the Historic Environment journal (Watch session)
    Organisers: Michael Dawson (RPS Group) and Peter Gane (Taylor and Francis)
  • It's not FAIR... but what is? Defining digital accessibility in archaeological projects (Watch session)
    Organisers: Claire Tsang (Historic England), Katie Green (Archaeology Data Service) and Manda Forster (Digventures)
    Presented by: CIfA Information Management Group
    Sponsored by: Historic England
  • Journeys into an archaeological career (Watch session)
    Organisers: Dr Claire Corkill and Dr Jo Kirton (Council for British Archaeology)
    Presented by: CIfA Early Careers Group
    Sponsored by: Council for British Archaeology
  • Looking inwards, looking outwards: promoting archaeology at heritage sites because it's "worth it!" (Watch session)
    Organisers: Chris Dobbs and Eileen Clegg (National Museum of the Royal Navy)
  • #METOO #TIMESUP #ARCHAEOLOGY: influencing positive change (Watch session)
    Organisers: Kayt Hawkins (ASE/UCL & BAJR Respect) and Hannah Cobb (University of Manchester, CIfA E&D Group)
    Presented by: BAJR RESPECT and CIfA Equality and Diversity Group
  • Promoting professional partnerships - making the most of your specialists (Watch session)
    Organisers: Ruth Pelling and Zoë Hazell (Historic England)
    Presented by: CIfA Archaeological Archives Group and CIfA Finds Group
    Sponsored by: Historic England
  • Promoting the archaeological professional: who are we and where do we want to be? (Watch session)
    Organisers: Daniel Evans, Jenny Wylie (Arcadis) and Kate Geary (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists)
  • Reviewing the national approach to archaeological protection and recording: what can we learn from other countries? (Watch session)
    Organisers: Kirsty Owen (Historic Environment Scotland) and Cara Jones (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists)
  • Risk management for archaeologists (Watch session)
    Presented by: Tariq Mian, Towergate Insurance
  • Stuck between a rock and a hard place: defining the role of buildings archaeologist (Watch session)
    Organiser: Jeremy Lake (CIfA Buildings Archaeology Group)
    Presented by: CIfA Buildings Archaeology Group
  • What's new with the CIfA standards and guidance (Watch session)
    Organisers: Jen Parker Wooding and Kate Geary (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists)

Session recordings may differ from the CIfA2021 programme and abstracts/papers above due to the request of presenters not to be recorded or presentations to be restricted to the CIfA2021 audience. Q&A, discussion and any interactive components and/or audience participation was not recorded during the session.

Presentations remain the intellectual property of the presenter and any information, opinions and comments are those of the presenters and may not be held as a reflection or a representation of those of CIfA. If you have any questions about our CIfA2021 session library, please contact us via: