State of the Market Survey 2024

Tuesday, 7th January 2025
Archaeologists excavate in the middle of an urban area surrounded by construction equipment.
Peter Hinton

CIfA and FAME (Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers) are requesting help from archaeological employers, large and small, and independent consultants, to gather data for their annual State of the Market Survey for the year ending 31 March 2024 (31 December 2024 in Ireland).

Take part in the survey

The survey provides a wealth of information on the size and nature of the archaeology market in the UK, and its contribution to the wider economy, supporting work to forecast future demand for archaeological services. Data collected from the survey deepens CIfA’s understanding of the sector, which helps us target resources and support for our members and Registered Organisations, as well as highlighting the valuable contribution archaeology makes to society.

The State of the Market survey is also an important source of data to support CIfA’s skills advocacy in the heritage sector, and for understanding skills gaps and needs, informing our support for the sector in meeting those needs.

The more contributors we have to the survey, the more accurate and useful the data, so please take the time to add your voice to it. The closing date for the survey is Sunday 2 February 2025, and results will be published later in the year.