A Statement from Pen Foreman, Honorary Chair, CIfA

Thursday, 13th February 2025

Nathan Baker has stepped down from his role as Chief Executive Officer of CIfA. During his tenure the Institute has expanded its focus from regulation to include more actively and positively supporting the membership. As a result, CIfA is well placed to become the 'professional home' of archaeologists, offering whole-life learning, advocacy and confidence-building services.

The Institute is now taking forward this vision and new three-year-plan, which will aim to provide a much stronger ‘member journey,’ taking members from entry to the sector, through their career to retirement. After a reorganisation of the Institute’s internal structures and priorities, the Institute is now in a strong position for the future.

I am very pleased to announce that Alex Llewellyn (Director of Membership) and Kate Geary (Director of Learning and Skills) will be stepping up into the roles of interim co-CEOs of the Institute. Both have extensive experience in executive roles, are well regarded across the sector, and have the full support of staff. The Board will support this with any additional resource that is required over this interim period to ensure work continues as seamlessly as possible. They will develop the strands of work CIfA does with a focus on providing whole-career value for members, advocating for archaeology at the highest level, and building strong training and events that meet the needs of all members.

To support the Institute’s new direction and plan, plans are in place for a full Governance Review to be undertaken involving the staff, Board, and Advisory Council, and will also take feedback from CIfA members. This work will be prioritised in the coming months. This will ensure our Charter and By-laws, and all our processes and policies, are reviewed and updated where appropriate so that the Institute is strong and remains fit for purpose.

For all comments or queries about these changes, please contact Pen Foreman, Honorary Chair, CIfA, in the first instance at: boardmember@archaeologists.net.