Directory of Accredited Professionals
The directory includes accredited professionals who have given permission to include their details in line with GDPR.
Entries are from live data and, although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, CIfA shall not be liable for any errors or omissions.
The Institute will not be liable for any matter arising from the employment or engagement of any such individual. If you have any concerns about the professional conduct of an accredited member in relation to their archaeological practice, please see our professional conduct page.
Mr Peter Rowe (MCIfA)
Archaeologist (Planning)
Mr Jack Rowe (PCIfA)
Mr Peter Rowsome (MCIfA)
Consultant (PX & Publications)
Mr Michael Roy (MCIfA)
Post-ex Project Manager, AOC Archaeology Group Inverness Office
Mrs Lynne Roy (MCIfA)
Project Manager, AOC Archaeology Group
Dr David Rudling (MCIfA)
Academic Director, Sussex School of Archaeology
Dr Peter Rumley (MCIfA)
Consultant Archaeologist & Guardian Committee Member of SPAB
Dr Hannah Russ (MCIfA)
Director and Zooarchaeologist
Dr Andrew Russel (MCIfA)
Archaeology Unit Manager
Dr Caroline Russell (ACIfA)
Project Manager, Canterbury Archaeological Trust Ltd
Mr Henry Russell (PCIfA)
Archaeological Geophysicist (Junior Project Officer)
Senior Archaeologist
Miss Iulia Rusu (PCIfA)
Post-Excavation Supervisor, Cotswold Archaeology
Ms Carole Ryan (MCIfA)
Retired, same
Mr Conor Ryan (ACIfA)
Cultural Heritage Consultant, Golder Associates (UK) Ltd
Mrs Becky Ryan (MCIfA)
Technical Director , Orion Heritage Limited
Miss Magdalena Rybska (PCIfA)
Geospatial Specialist , MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) Northampton Office
Dr Deborah Ryder (MCIfA)
Forensic Archaeologist
Mr James Rylatt (ACIfA)
Director of Archaeology, Past Participate
Mr Krzysztof Ryniec (PCIfA)
Assistant Archaeological Supervisor, Albion Archaeology