Book Reviews


Fake Heritage. Why We Rebuild Monuments

2021, John Darlington
Reviewed by Robert Beavis, PCIfA

Hidden Voices: the archaeology of the M8 Fermoy-Mitchelstown Motorway

2021, Penny Johnston and Jacinta Kiely
Reviewed by Dr Duncan Berryman, Affiliate

Roman Gardens

2021, Anthony Beeson
Reviewed by Janine Fries-Knoblach, Affiliate

Small Change: A History of Everyday Coinage

2021, Peter Johnson
Reviewed by Andrew Peachey, MCIfA

The Archaeology of Manchester in 20 Digs

2021, Mike Nevell
Reviewed by Peter Leeming, ACIfA

The Romans in Scotland and the Battle of Mons Graupius

2021, Simon Forder
Reviewed by Peter Leeming, ACIfA


Heritage Under Pressure: Threats and Solutions, Studies of Agency and Soft Power in the Historic Environment

2020, Michael Dawson, Edward James and Michael Nevell (eds)
Reviewed by Martin Locock, MCIfA

Meitheal: The archaeology of lives, labours and beliefs at Raystown, Co. Meath

2020, Matthew Seaver
Reviewed by Dr Duncan Berryman, Affiliate

Roman Britain... And Where to Find It

2020, Denise Allen and Mike Bryan
Reviewed by Dr Gavin Speed, MCIfA

The River's Tale. Archaeology on the Thames foreshore in Greater London

2020, Nathalie Cohen and Elliot Wragg
Reviewed by Michael Walsh, MCIfA


50 Finds from Staffordshire: Objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme / 50 Finds from Worcestershire

2019, Teresa Gillmore / Victoria Allnatt
Reviewed by Neil Pinchbeck, PCIfA

A Russian Perspective on Theoretical Archaeology. The Life and Work of Leo S. Klejn

2019, Stephen Leach
Reviewed by Peter Leeming, ACIfA

Greece in the Ancient World

2019, Jeremy McInerney
Reviewed by Peter Yeoman, MCIfA

London's Crypts and Catacombs

2019, Robert Bard and Adrian Miles
Reviewed by Bethany Hardcastle, ACIfA

Quarrying in Cumbria

2019, Dr David Johnson
Reviewed by John Pickin, MCIfA

Rome in the Ancient World: Third edition

2019, David Potter
Reviewed by Andrew Peachey, MCIfA

Ruins and Follies of East Anglia

2019, Edward Couzens-Lake
Reviewed by Andrew Peachey, MCIfA

The Human Past

2019, Chris Scarre (ed)
Reviewed by Neil Pinchbeck, PCIfA


Archaeology: The Whole Story

2018, Paul Bahn, foreword by Brian Fagan
Reviewed by Konstantinos P. Trimmis, ACIfA

Colonising A Royal Landscape; the history and archaeology of medieval village at Mullamast, County Kildare

2018, Teresa Bolger
Reviewed by Duncan Berryman, Student