Building capacity through innovation

2019 - 2021
Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers logo
Historic England logo

Project background and context for the Innovation festival

CIfA, in collaboration with the Association of Local Government Archaeologists (ALGAO), was commissioned by Historic England to undertake a project entitled Building capacity through innovation (HE7879), which also included the organisation of an event (the CIfA Innovation festival). This project was commissioned to address feedback in the 2017 21st century challenges for archaeology workshop series that highlighted a lack of innovation in developer-led archaeology.

The aim of the project was to explore this observation, identify the potential barriers and issues inhibiting the wider implementation of innovative approaches and present recommendations for improvement.

Project report and appendices

The project report was finalised in June 2021 and can be access below. Survey data were collected, and online discussions were undertaken to provide information related to practitioners’ perceptions and experience of innovation in developer-led archaeology. Several examples showcasing the different types of innovative practice taking place across the historic environment sector are also included. The survey data highlighted a number of potential barriers to innovation in developer-led archaeology but also highlighted that the historic environment sector does see itself as innovative, regularly adopting/adapting new science, technologies and methods for archaeological practice across developer-led archaeology.

The report summarises the data and discusses the identified barriers to innovation outlining several proposed recommendations for improvement. These focus on the themes of facilitating knowledge exchange and the dissemination of information across the historic environment sector.

The report and appendices are available at the bottom of this page.

CIfA Innovation Festival links and resources

The historic environment is rich and diverse benefiting from a wide variety of specialisms. Collaborations spanning academic, community-led and developer-funded archaeological research provide fascinating insights to our collective past often with the help of new/adapted ‘innovative’ approaches. However, implementing innovation is not always straightforward as highlighted in the Building capacity through innovation project.

The innovation festival was held as a follow on to this project and was made up of a series of events that took place over the week of 25-29 January 2021. These events provided the opportunity to showcase and celebrate the innovative practices and approaches being undertaken across the historic environment sector, whilst tabling some of the identified barriers and challenges to implementing innovation in archaeological research for wider discussion.

Session recordings

The festival comprised a mixture of sessions, webinars, workshops and discussion panels. The majority of these were recorded and the links can be found below.

Monday, 25 January
10:00 - 11:00WEBINAR: Digital and analog drawing in archaeology: The Aide Memoire Project
12:00 - 12:45DISCUSSION: lunchbreak chat
14:00 - 17:30SESSION: working practices 
Tuesday, 26 January
9:00 - 11:00SESSION: born digital: recording rebooted (part 1 recording and part 2 recording)
12:30 - 13:30WEBINAR: A new set of threads: the production and design of Into the Wildwoods and The First Foresters
14:00 - 17:30SESSION: innovative approaches
Wednesday, 27 January
10:00 - 11:00WEBINAR: social media in development-led archaeology
12:00 - 13:30PANEL DISCUSSION: innovation in practice (Developer-led, planning)
14:00 - 15:00WEBINAR: heritage at the heart of major developments
15:30 - 18:00SESSION: delivering public benefit
Thursday, 28 January
9:00 - 11:00WORKSHOP: Meaningful metadata (recording of introduction available only)
12:00 - 13:00SESSION: building information modelling for heritage
14:00 - 17:00WORKSHOP: an introduction to podcasting and archaeology
Friday, 29 January
9:00 - 11:00WORKSHOP: innovation by design (recording of introduction available only)
12:00 - 15:00SESSION: academic research - what's new?
15:30 - 17:00PANEL DISCUSSION: innovation in practice (community engagement)

Academic/early career poster submissions

Dr Tanya Dzhanfezova, University of Oxford

The Archaeologist 'Innovation' issue

The Winter 2021 issue of The Archaeologist magazine was focused on innovation to tie in with the wider Building capacity through innovation project and the CIfA Innovation festival.

Internet Archaeology Special Issue on Innovation

Coming later in 2021